

    Riots have a negative impact on the business world

    24 Mei 2019

    INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The riots that occurred for two days in Jakarta were not only detrimental to demonstrators and the police, the economic sector was also affected by the riots.

    The Chairperson of the National Muslim Young Entrepreneurs Association (Permunas), Mulyadi Siregar, assessed that the riots between some of the masses who had demonstrations were very bad for the business climate.

    For example, due to the closing of trading activities in the Tanah Abang market, a day could suffer a loss of 100 billion, not to mention many small traders and buyers from the regions for Lebaran needs are very disturbed.

    It is time for all parties to hold back, let's go back to the constitutional path to resolve political disputes.

    "We, from the association of national Muslim young entrepreneurs (Permunas), requested that there be no more riots that made citizens anxious. Let's re-establish our unity together as fellow nationals," Mulyadi said in his statement on Thursday (23/5).

    Particularly for the business world, Permunas hopes to create a conducive atmosphere especially in this Ramadan. "Let's knit back the brotherhood that has been polarized as a result of political choices," Mulyadi said.

    Meanwhile, the authorities have released if they have arrested 412 people who participated in the demonstration and against the police.

    Until now, there were 737 demo participants who had to get treatment from eight medical staff, including those confirmed to have been hit by live ammunition.

    ■ Dullah Abdullah
